
Athletic Registration
Registration link for TR Athletics will be posted soon. Final Forms is no longer being used.
Sports Picture Order Form
Athletic Director: Kaila Kerns

The Tekoa/Rosalia School District Athletic Cooperative is ***immediately ***seeking applicants for the following Assistant Coaching positions for 23-24:
HS Volleyball Assistant
HS Football Assistant
HS Girls Basketball Assistant
Salary range: $2,558 to $3,055
MS Football
MS Volleyball Head & Assistant
Salary range: $1,418- $2,128
For application, or more information, please email:
Kaila Kerns, TR Athletic Director,
or call:
Tekoa School District, 284-3281
Rosalia School District, 523-3061 ext 3116
Tekoa/Rosalia Athletics
Tekoa-Rosalia is proud of its interscholastic athletic programs and expects athletes to compete in a manner that will develop a sense of individual pride and accomplishment. As TR athletes compete with other athletes in the area, their actions reflect upon the schools and our communities. Therefore, standards including academic requirements, citizenship, sportsmanship, conduct and loyalty must be maintained at a high level. It is expected that there is a positive correlation between an athlete’s performance and his/her adherence to specific training practices.
We believe it is a pleasure and a privilege to coach Tekoa-Rosalia student athletes. We also believe that participating in TR athletics is a privilege. The student athlete is responsible as a citizen to observe the laws of the United States, the State of Washington, and/or its subdivisions. While in the school, the students shall respect the rights of others.